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What is the Impact of High-THC Cannabis Dosage

The truth is, there isn’t one type of medication that doesn’t come with side effects. Granted, pharmaceuticals have been tested, and measures are taken to prevent the adversity of the side effects. That leaves natural therapeutic products such as high THC Cannabis oils rarely monitored which can lead to not one but a few side effects which are not quite pretty.
Although this is true for many products of the kind, platinum Omni CBD oil is different in every way. In fact, research shows that among the many products in the market, this high THC product is effective and has no adverse side effects to its consumers. Every person has their preferences on what they would like to use in their treatment and mostly pain relief; it is important, that if your choice is high THC dosage, you understand what side effects might crop up and what you’ll have to deal with later on.

Common Effects of High-THC Cannabis Strains

The effects of high THC CBD oil dosages vary from one person to another. Of course, this is brought about by the genetic make-up of each person. Therefore it is likely that one might experience some of these effects while another person might not show any. Here are the things you should look out for in case you are thinking about going this way:-

Impaired Memory

Unlike full spectrum CBD oil, high THC cannabis can cause quite a blur in a person. These products are associated with impaired memory and by extension hallucination. Although the effects wear off after a while, they can lead to bad decision making, and you can cause harm to yourself or someone around you.
The memory impairment, temporary as it might be can cause a derailment in your productivity during the day. This is why you are highly recommended to use less-THC Cannabis dosages that have a high-CBD volume in them. You can never go wrong with CBD.

Excessive Hunger/ Increase in Appetite

One of the most overlooked and commonly known effects of a high-THC Cannabis dosage is that your appetite increases by a large difference. If you ate twice a day before, then you might eat twice as much when you start using these products.
THC is known for stimulating and activating the brain on the side associated with appetite, and therefore you should expect excessive hunger that might just prove to be a problem after a while. Platinum Omni CBD oil becomes your best possible choice in this matter. This low CBD high THC product does not have this side effect hence makes it safer for the consumers to use. You have nothing to be worried about when it comes to your appetite, weight gain and platinum CBD.

Dry Mouth

Yes, THC does that too. You are bound to have a drier mouth when using high THC dosages than using full spectrum CBD oil. The reason behind this decrease in saliva production is solely based on the THC dosage you’ve been taking.
This is because THC replicates anandamide which is the chemical responsible for saliva production in the body. The receptors, therefore, attach to THC hence significantly reducing the amount of saliva production in your mouth.
Although you can use some balm on your lips which will keep them supple and soft, there is still that uncomfortable feeling in your mouth that not even water can get rid of.

Anxiety and Paranoia

Although paranoia is often dismissed by a lot of people as insecurity, high THC dosages can take your paranoia to another level. This makes you a nuisance to other people and a threat to yourself. Of course, the Platinum Omni CBD oil has been manufactured under the best conditions for the safety of the consumer. This makes it safe for you to make this your go-to low CBD oil without any worry.
When used in lower doses THC can reduce anxiety and prevent unnecessary paranoia. The situation changes completely when it’s the other way round. Taken in immense amounts, the same can increase these symptoms at an alarming rate. That is the reason certified medical marijuana doctors insists that patients use dosages with less THC and high CBD which is known to overshadow the effects of THC.

Preventing THC’s Negative Effects

You like full spectrum CBD oil just fine, but all your love is on high-THC Cannabis dosages, what do you do? Well, there are several ways you can prevent the side effects of the latter from taking a toll on you. Here is how:-
The first thing marijuana doctors suggest to patients who want to use high-THC strains is starting with very low dosages and working their way up. It is easier to monitor the side effects that one is prone to at early stages and hence take the right measures in preventing any harm to yourself.
Water is a necessity when you are using any high THC oil including platinum Omni CBD oil. Although this particular product is not quite the same with others of its nature, you still need to take care of yourself and that includes hydrating often. Taking lots of water prevents dry mouth or cracking of the lips that you might experience due to the decrease in saliva production. You are also well on your way to preventing future side effects of these high dosages.


Although all the aforementioned side effects are associated with high THC, platinum Omni CBD oil is good. This is what makes it safer, better and more effective when used for various conditions. If the reviews on this oil are anything to go by, then it’s about time that you got yourself some of it.
Both THC and CBD have therapeutic health benefits. The only difference between the two is that CBD doesn’t have unpleasant side effects similar to the ones recorded with THC. It is therefore wise to use a product that has a combination of the two to balance out the good and the bad. And what better way to do this than using full spectrum CBD oil which is high in CBD and low on THC.